Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Welcome! + Research Question

Hello there and welcome to my blog about historical sites in Latin America! I have chosen this topic because ever since I was young, I have been fascinated with the mystery and intrigue found in historical landmarks around the world. The history of countries outside of the United States is so rich and exciting to me as I've visited many beautiful places around Europe, but I have always been more drawn to those that have a mysterious history that leaves you with questions that often have no answers. I am excited to be able to inform you about the expansive history that accompanies the landmarks we will explore together. To focus my research and provide a more exciting blog to readers, my research question is: how do people believe many of the mysterious landmarks came to be and what does legend tell us?
Image result for mayan historical landmarks latin america

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zach,
    Nice looking blog, I like the idea of researching landmarks and "mysterious" places. Perhaps my suggestion would be to include the legend/popular story together with the historical (scientific) version (at least in the essay version).
    Dr. Castañeda
